Hadhari Nari Women's Project

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Email advicecentre@metropolitan.org.uk
Website http://www.metropolitan.org.uk/support-services/hadhari-nari/
Telephone 01332 270101
Fax 01332 769790
36 St James Road
DE23 8QX
Purpose The Hadhari Nari project consists of a women's advice and information centre which acts as the main referral point for all women seeking refuge. It offers temporary secure accommodation in the form of two women's refuges. The advice and information centre offers counselling, support, pregnancy testing, outreach aftercare, self help group legal and health surgeries.
What they do
  • Advice/information/advocacy/legal
  • Children - Parenting & Families
  • Counselling/therapy
  • Domestic violence
  • Health - General
  • Housing or homelessness
  • Social Welfare Rights / Benefits
  • Volunteering
  • Women
Who they work with
  • Asian - Bangladeshi
  • Asian - Indian
  • Asian - Other
  • Asian - Pakistani
  • Asian or Asian British (any)
  • Black - African
  • Black - Caribbean
  • Black - Other
  • Black or Black British (any)
  • Chinese
  • Mixed/multiple Heritage (any)
  • Mixed/multiple Heritage - Other
  • Mixed/multiple Heritage - White & Asian
  • Mixed/multiple Heritage - White & Black African
  • Mixed/multiple Heritage - White & Black Caribbean
  • White (any)
  • White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
  • White - Irish
  • White - Other
Geographical area coverage Derby City, Part(s) of Derbyshire,Normanton
Space for Hire No
Opening Times 10am - 3pm
Is a registered charity? Yes
Charity Number 298096

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3753 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

Existing groups

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