Tintwistle Womens Institute

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Telephone 01332 342596
Purpose The WI has a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
What they do
  • Arts/Crafts/Culture/Music
  • Social groups/clubs
Who they work with
  • Women only
Geographical area coverage High Peak,Part(s) of Derbyshire,Tintwistle & surrounding area
Space for Hire No
Opening Times 3rd Thursday of the month
Meeting Place Conservative Club, New Road, Tintwistle SK13 1LP
Is a registered charity? Yes
Charity Number 1038055

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3745 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

Existing groups

If you are already listed on the directory you can manage your own data online. If you are not yet listed, then add your group now!