Amber Valley Foyer Project

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Telephone 01773 824066
Fax 01773 827138
Chevin House
60 High Street
DE56 1JF
Purpose Amber Valley Foyer exists to provide housing and training opportunities to young homeless people (16-24 yrs) in Amber Valley. The project provides housing through 10 supported bed spaces in Heanor, along with 6 houses and 2 flats as move on properties across the Borough. Young people referred to the project are interviewed to assess suitability, and if accepted for housing agree to follow an action plan designed (with support) to guide them into training, education or work, and ultimately into independent living. The project prefers referrals to have a connection with Amber Valley, although this is not a pre-requisite.
What they do
  • Advice/information/advocacy/legal
  • Education/training
  • Housing or homelessness
Who they work with
  • Children 4 years and under
  • Children/young people aged 11-17
  • Children/young people aged 5-11
  • Young people aged 18-25
Geographical area coverage Part(s) of Derbyshire
Space for Hire Yes

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3746 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

Existing groups

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